Wix Removes GPL-Licensed WordPress Code from Mobile App, Forks Original MIT Library

In October 2016, Matt Mullenweg called out Wix for using GPL-licensed code from the WordPress mobile app and distributing it in its proprietary app. After identifying a path for Wix to comply with the license, Mullenweg confirmed he would be willing to go to court to protect the GPL. Wix CEO Avishai Abrahami’s response to […]

Collaboration Tools That Will Make Your Team More Efficient

Ensuring effective team collaboration is not easy. A starting point will be to look at what the team consists of, and why it assembled in the first place. Skills and experience. These qualities required for success are the same qualities that sometimes tend to undermine success. Teams are not made up of carbon-copy individuals, each […]

Free PSD Photoshop Text Effects

Content writing is incomplete without perfect text effects. The attractive and appealing text depends on how the text is designed and arranged. Photoshop text effects make this task easier. Here in this post, we are sharing some of the best Photoshop text effects for your content. These Photoshop effects impart attractive and elegant effects to […]

Finding the Right IT Support Company for Your Business

It can be a daunting task trying to find the best IT support a company has to offer and the right IT support services for your needs. There are so many factors to take into account, and it can often feel like navigating a minefield. The truth is that if you want your business to […]

A Collection Of jQuery Maps Plugins

Google maps API may seem intimidating when using it for the first time. If all you are hoping to do is create a map to display simple directions to a client’s address, you may wonder if all the different interactive options are really necessary or just distractions to make the whole process more complicated and […]

SVG Tools And Resources

SVG, also known as Scalable Vector Graphics, is one of the fastest and best tools being utilized by web developers, especially those who are looking to have different animations placed into the many websites and apps that they design. As mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets become more and more popular throughout the world, […]

Material Design Frameworks For Websites

Google was successfully able to create a concept that has become universally known as Material Design when they took a big step to combine technology, science, and design principles. This new design concept has created massive excitement regarding aspects such as its colors, layout principles, and animated elements. Material Design has since been defined as […]

OpenBSD Now Available!

OpenBSD, the secure BSD-based UNIX-like operating system, has been added to Plegma.Host’s standard O/S options. The OpenBSD project emphasizes a comprehensive and proactive focus on security and source code auditing. Over it’s 20+ years of development, OpenBSD has built a reputation as one of the most secure operating system options and many industry professionals have […]

PSD Mockups To Present Responsive Designs

Responsive web design has taken the world by surprise when it was first introduced. However, by now, almost every web designer is accustomed with it thanks to the many resources that other fellow designers have shared in the community, whether those resources were frameworks, snippets or even tutorials. There were also tools to test whether […]

Learning Resources For Mastering Angular 2

Angular 2 is a vast and complex framework with a never ending learning curve. To help you grasp more of its many features, we’ve curated a list of 30 free learning resources that cover it all – from the quickstart guide to specific details and best practices. Let’s first quickly go over the available guides […]