Microsoft to block crapware downloads in its Edge browser

Microsoft Edge has a new crapware blocker, but it isn’t enabled by default. It’s currently available in the beta version of Edge,  but should arrive for everyone using the Chromium-based Edge browser with the stable release of Edge 80 .

The Complete Guide to Avoiding Online Scams

We know—you’re too tech-savvy to be fooled by an online scam. But even the smartest among us can fall victim to internet trickery, and we’ve all got those friends and relatives who could use a little extra help with digital security.

Windows 7 End of Life: everything you need to know

Windows 7 has now entered its End of Life phase, which means that Microsoft will no longer be offering updates of security fixes for the old operating system. While many people will have upgraded to years ago, there are still millions of PCs out there that are using Windows 7. With Windows 7 now at its End […]

Developer Tools to Increase Your Productivity

The internet is not just here to help you learn how to code, there are a lot of useful online tools that can help you during various stages of development and save you precious time spent on each task. Here’s a list of online tools that can come in handy for any developer.

New Year, new website, new services, new packages, new prices!

2020 coming strong at Plegmahost. Our team is very proud to welcome you to our brand-new website.  We decided to upgrade our website to ensure it continues to reflect our company’s commitment to utilizing the latest technology. The design of the new website and the structure of information improves its overview and usability and showcase […]

HTTP / 3 What It Is And How It Will Make The Web Much Faster

Cloudflare already supports the HTTP / 3 protocol, which is already in Chrome Canary and will soon be added to Firefox Nightly. The new template will make our internet browsing much faster and safer. Let’s take the things from the beginning: Browsers, web servers, and other Internet infrastructure services are beginning to support a new […]

Ways in Which Your Business Can Benefit From Apps

Apart from making phone calls and sending messages, another core functionality of a mobile device is to run a number of mobile Apps that serve almost every purpose you can possibly imagine. Businesses from every part of the world that offer a wide range of products are now migrating from the traditional physical world of […]

Maintaining the Security of a Dedicated Server

Whether you use a dedicated server or a shared one the most important problem that you may come across nowadays is security breach. The data centers may be careful enough for maintaining the security of your server specially if you host your website on a dedicated server but still you should also be careful. You […]

How Using Virtual Private Services (VPN) can benefit Your Business

Virtual Private Service (VPN) might not be among the first technologies that usually cross your mind when you are thinking of the online security services that can be beneficial to your business. Virtual Private Services allow users to access any private network whenever and wherever when operating on even a public network, and they are […]

Features of Great Virtual Private Services (VPN)

A vast majority of people across the world has realized that they should use Virtual Private Services (VPN). However, most people do not understand what features they should be looking for in a VPN service. If you belong to this group of people, then you have come to the right place. Just read on and […]