What is the use of a server ?

Server. A server is a computer that provides data to other computers. … For example, a Web server may run Apache HTTP Server or Microsoft IIS, which both provide access to websites over the Internet. A mail server may run a program like Exim or iMail, which provides SMTP services for sending and receiving email Servers are used to manage network resources. For example, a user may […]

What is a Dedicated Server & Why You Need One

Dedicated Server The best way to describe what a dedicated server is as ‘a dedicated physical server that is allocated specifically for your use’. In other words, this server is exclusive in contrast to shared servers which include multiple users using the same compute resources in their own environment. Maximum Flexibility And Versatility Basically, dedicated […]

Colocation – A Look at Migration for Servers

Colocation hosting is a great option for people who have businesses that depend on the internet. If you have a blog, a web channel or a search engine optimization business, this will prove to be extra beneficial for you, your enterprise, and its staff. If you are owning a It Business or a SEO task […]