Small Business Ideas to Survive Lockdown.

Worrying about the lost sales and your customer base falling apart is easy! Instead, finding new ways to connect with your customers and offer them the real value it is more viable. Small Business Ideas to Try During the Lockdown Most of the businesses these days operate from remote .Make use of these tools for […]

Chapter: Password Managers

We picked some password managers for PC, Mac, Android, iPhone, and a web browser to inform you about.

How to use Google Calendar and Tasks for major productivity

For Major Productivity and organization we have a solution, that has been Free and yet powerful. Have you tried out the powerful, in-house combination of a Google Task list with Google Calendar? It could potentially replace any other to-do apps you might use. We are here to help you not only with our services but […]

How to use Gmail labels to organize your inbox

How to organize your inbox to be more effective  . You can create labels that store your emails. Add as many labels as you want to an email. As a business person, you rely on email. Your messages contain requests for work, invoices, client questions, and more. It’s only natural that you would spend a […]

20 Effective Ways To Be More Productive

Scrambling to complete deadlines, wearing 18 different hats, answering the slew of emails and phone calls… you get the point. It seems like more and more companies are adopting the motto “do more with less.” So where does that leave you?

How to make your business site effective

A website is meant to attract consumers to your business. But what do those consumers do once they land on your website?  Your website itself can actually generate leads and sales for you with just a few simple tweaks.

How to choose the right file and sync back up

If you’re anything like us, you’re probably using multiple devices every single day, and you’ll need access to the same files on each one.

Productivity Apps & Tools

Whether you web design, operate a business, lead a team, or head up a project, you’re always trying to figure out ways to do things faster and/or more efficiently. There are various techniques you can apply to increase your own or your team’s productivity. You will, in fact, find several useful tips and techniques at […]